How might we advertise a collection of sparkling wine?

Ferrari Trento is an Italian company specialized in the production of the Traditional Method sparkling wine.

Client Ferrari Trento           Year 2018/2019               Art Direction & Visual Design

Social media campaign

To promote their collection we created an "Art of Ferrari" campaign.

All the characteristics of the specif sparkling wine were represented by visuals. 

This campaign helped the company to generate brand awareness and increase sales by 12%.

The concept

Art, in its broadest meaning, includes every human activity - carried out individually or collectively - that leads to forms of creativity and aesthetic expression, based on technical devices, innate or acquired skills, and behavioral norms deriving from study and experience. Therefore art is a language, that is the ability to convey emotions and messages.

Wine is an art form; in fact, it is the product of the human activity, carried out individually or in collaboration using technical devices and standards drawn from experience. Equally undeniable is that wine is capable of arousing emotions and transmitting sensations and references to its territory as thought by the winemaker.

With this digital collection, I wanted to unite art and sparkling wine, and create a unique visual experience.
